
Get ready to be transported to a magical dimension of music, connection, and celebration as we mark the next Ecstatic Dance Ericeira, with a gathering that promises to be nothing short of extraordinary! Our "1-day retreat" format is designed to offer a fully nourishing experience carefully designed to raise your vibration and leave you in high spirits with a feeling that lives on into your everyday life. We invite you to join the tribe for the entire collective journey, starting with a cacao & breathwork journey by Juli & Fabio supported by Dan Água on the guitar at 4pm followed by a moment of conscious connection guided by Joana Guerreiro, ecstatic dance wave by Gingaí, dinner, Roaman's concert and at the end we gather around the campfire for a singing circle with Água. This is an event that you won't want to miss, a celebration of all that we've achieved and all that we hope to create in the future. Reserve your spot today and join us in co-creating a truly special soul tribe experience. SCHEDULE: 3pm - Welcoming sage, tribal face-painting, pool time 4pm - Cacao & Breathwork [Juli Lobinha, Fabio Cancogni, Dan Água] 5:30 - Sensorial Activation [Joana Guerreiro] 6pm - Ecstatic Dance Wave [Gingaí] 8:30 - Soundhealing [Joel Zig Faria] 9:30 - Concert [Roaman] 10:30 - Singing Circle [Dan Água] GUIDELINES: If it's your first ecstatic dance, fear not! We're here for you :) ecstatic dance is an international movement where we dance in a certain frequency. It's a group journey that we embark on together, and being in that group frequency is what the experience is all about. To arrive at that, there are a few guidelines we hold dear: - Ecstatic dance is a conscious movement practice for all, we come as we are to share a journey together as a tribe, as one family. - The djset follows the shape of a wave: inviting you to explore stillness, flow, chaos, storytelling with the body, expressing, releasing, tapping into emotions and states of being, eventually returning to stillness. "Movement is a conversation with your own body that no one else needs to understand." - You are invited and encouraged to listen to your heart/body and always respond with choices that make your experience safe, personal and authentic for you throughout the whole day. - We dance barefoot to allow and feel the direct connection of our feet with the earth. - During the dance itself we do not speak. Communication is still encouraged, a facial expression can mean a thousand words, a hug can mean a million, the invitation is to drop into a state of deeper connection with the body and the senses rather than the mind. - Respect each other’s practice and space, always engage from a place of presence, notice the subtleties. - We collectively hold the space together and each dance has many seasoned dancers who are available at different times should you have questions. This is a safe space for you to be YOU and all that that means as your dance unfolds.