Ingressos de concertos

At Soul Vibe, let the musical vibrations ignite the soul's fire. We enter the dance floor as individuals, but as we begin letting our bodies and feet move we come together as one, syncing with the pulse of the music. Each Soul Vibe event features opportunities for community and connection. We will have vendors, artists and local entrepreneurs on site, as well as music by the following soulful artists: Branqueeno (NYC) Fátima Late London DJ XSA All funds earned go towards the Femme Fatale DC building fund and Sisters in Sound non-profit start-up costs. Dancing is an invitation, so let's be vulnerable together. All attendees agree to our Manifesto: -We are ALL responsible for our community and our interactions -Consent is MANDATORY -ASK permission to touch, dance with or photograph others -Consent can be withdrawn at any time: check in + speak up! -One strike policy: if you are reported for making anyone uncomfortable or unsafe you are out with no refund.