Workshop: The Global Ocean
Workshop: The Global Ocean

Workshop: The Global Ocean

Este evento já acabou.
Aconteceu em quarta 18 set
casa reîa
Praia da Cabana do Pescador, 2825-491 Costa da Caparica, Portugal
Este evento já acabou.


In this workshop/discussion, we will be introducing some key concepts regarding the key role of the Ocean system for Life at a global scale, delve into its constituents from the species to the ecosystem level, and at the same time explore humanity's past and present relationship with the marine environment and its natural resources, highlighting threats and discussing potential pathways towards sustainability. Key topics will include: - The Ocean: source of diverse Life. - The Ocean: goods and services. - Humans and the Ocean: a complex relationship. - Humans and the Ocean: main threats to marine life and ecosystems. - Marine Science and Conservation work: how it's done and what's missing. - AIMM: an example of research and environmental awareness towards active species conservation. - What can we all do: pathways towards sustainability.

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Casa Reîa
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Praia da Cabana do Pescador, 2825-491 Costa da Caparica, Portugal