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Pana MIA Club
Pana MIA Club

Pana MIA Club

Pana MIA Club

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We are an inclusive South Florida Locals’ Directory representing entrepreneurs, creatives and organizations of all backgrounds.
🤎️ POC
🤲 Solidarity
🫂 Inclusion

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Pana MIA Club is a 501(c)(3) non-profit based in South Florida. Our mission is to empower the local community by providing essential tools to unite resources, insights, reach, and strategies, cultivating a thriving environment for all. As consumers start recognizing the benefits of shopping locally, our centralized directory is a place where the public can explore and fall in love with local brands. Created by two small business owners, Pana MIA Club is designed by and for SoFlo creatives & entrepreneurs to come together.
Está na Shotgun desde 2023