Boiler Room Set: Rix & Boogie W/ Silkworm | Jvxn | Codakolor

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Boogie Groove Entertainment Presents Boiler Room Set: Rix & Boogie w/ Silkworm | JVXN | Codakolor GENRE Funk & Disco SUMMARY Boiler Room set featuring the debut show for new Denver duo, Rix & Boogie. DJ/Drummer Boogie Lights and Guitarist/Producer Rix (formerly of Conscious Pilot) join forces to create a hybrid version of dance music. Harnessing the heartbeat of House with the improvisational flavors of live Funk & Disco. Boiler room sets from Silkworm, Codakolor, and more TBA. LET'S BOOGIE! FREE UNTIL DAY OF SHOW! Please be sure to check out with an RSVP ticket. TIME 9:00pm-2:00am Doors: 8:30pm AGE LIMIT 21+ ARTISTS Rix & Boogie Silkworm JVXN Codakolor More TBA! MONTHLY ARTIST PLAYLIST