ENDLESS - UNDRGRND X ADE 2K23 / Lino Fuso live
ENDLESS - UNDRGRND X ADE 2K23 / Lino Fuso live

ENDLESS - UNDRGRND X ADE 2K23 / Lino Fuso live

Este evento terminou
Aconteceu em seg 23 out 2023
Rembrandtplein 31, 1017 CT Amsterdam, Netherlands
Este evento terminou


The name of the night is "Endless": our neverending love for partying mixed with brave futuristic elements that will touch your souls after many months away from clubs, created by Lino Fuso. The event is focused on artists with techno and electronic musical background, amongst the best around the world in their field. If you have a passion for the underground culture, this is a perfect experience bringing dj sets, live performances and great sound systems.


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Rembrandtplein 31, 1017 CT Amsterdam, Netherlands