Heliot Emil : Vtss, Daria Kolosova,Vel, Carla Schmitt

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FVTVR x HELIOT EMIL 05.03.25 - 23h30 - late 34, Quai d’Austerlitz - Paris 23:30-1:30 Vtss 1:30-3h Daria 3-4:30 Vel 4:30-end Carla Shmitt __ FVTVR x HELIOT EMIL - PARIS FASHION WEEK We’re thrilled to celebrate the launch of our first merchandise collection and exclusive collaboration, with Heliot Emil. While being elegant and unique brand it echoes our brutalist, minimalist and underground look. We’ve united our forces and composed one of the hottest line up of the year. This very limited and exclusive merch will be available at the club and on Heliot Emil’s website for a month, there won’t be any restock so make sure to grab yours before it’s too late! __ Rules: A place for harmony, inclusivity, diversity, unity. No tolerance towards ableism, ageism, body shaming, harassment, homophobia, lesbophobia, misogyny, racism, sexism, transphobia. Tickets purchase does not guarantee admission. Le lieu se réserve le droit d’entrée. __ Instagram www.instagram.com/fvtvr_paris/