Ordinateuf: Daytime At The Dog House

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Hey tod@s With winter’s going at full force, there’s no need to say that some heat is urgently needed. And the dogs are coming to bring it this upcoming 17th of February with a daytime fiesta (12h-00h). We'd like to announce you that we’ve finally found our new dog house that will shelter us that day - a whole new location in Banlieue proche accessible en métro, that we’re eager to show you. (accessible PMR !) As for the sound providers for the festivities, we’re delighted to bring Alexia back to Paris. She killed it last time she was here, and she did it again the other day closing Hoppetosse in Berlin. Every time, it’s a treat. We’re excited to hear what’s gonna unfold, we’re in for a ride. Average Excel fans but also average discogs enjoyers, Molto Rafon and Tangz will cover the rest. Talking about sound, we’d like to introduce the sound-system covering the event. Suave Soundystem will be joining us with a world premiere outing of their new Quadraphonic system - tailored for the occasion. Music sounds better with good speakers or so we heard. As we already also mentioned during our last party, we’d like to remind everyone about their responsibilities and how we’re counting on every guests an irreproachable attitude towards the others and themselves. No forms of bigotry are tolerated. And look after anyone who could feel unsafe. If at any moment you’d need support, reach out to the organisers - we’ll be around on duty. Bar: good beers / drinks available on-site, nice price like in Mitte-Musik
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