Osi Events × Fuse Records: Pool Party

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☀️ Junho é sinónimo de sol, calor, banhos e, claro está, música. No dia 17, o destino é outro, mais a norte do país. Numa joint venture com a OSI, marcamos matiné no jardim do Complexo do Penha Clube, em Guimarães, e mergulhamos de cabeça no verão, nesta piscina pronta a ser estreada. Blind tickets já disponíveis online ou junto dos nossos embaixadores. 💂 June is synonymous with sun, heat, swimming and, of course, music. On the 17th, the destination is different, further north. In a joint venture with OSI, we'll have a matinée in the garden of the Complexo do Penha Clube, in Guimarães, and dive headfirst into summer, in this pool ready to open. Blind tickets are now available online or from our ambassadors. - Tickets: #stepinside #fuserecords