
Wednesday, March 15, 2023 SHIFT Wednesdays • 9PM - 1AM • Flash Bar Level SHIFT is Flash’s new Wednesday night weekly celebrating the outer regions and inner depths of our local electronic music scene. Expect to hear a limitless mix of drum & bass, broken beats, ambient, leftfield, and everything in between by artists from the DC, Baltimore, VA region. Join us Wednesday nights 9PM - 1AM for drink specials and no cover all night long. We’re kicking off the first installment of our new Wednesday night party series with Nature Rage and Tanc in the Bar. // Flash Bar // Nature Rage Tanc _________________________________ ⠶⠶⠶⠶⠶ Flash Safe Space Policy ⠶⠶⠶⠶⠶ Flash stands firmly against non-consensual behavior, discrimination, harassment or harm of any kind. If you or a friend feels uncomfortable, please let a Flash team member know ~ our staff is trained to take action and assist. And always remember, no photos/videos on the dance floors for the sake of the vibe! ❤️