
It's Spring. Summer is coming. Studio Stereo is exploring. For the second time since the begining of the project, our reunion will happen outside of our beloved venue. Not because of we had to this time but because we absolutely want to ! We will start our outdoor event series "SUN SET", aiming to display quality music throught our sound systems while the sun is setting in outdoor location to allow ourselfves to enjoy the caresses of the sunlight on our skin while delecting exquisite sound waves in our ears. For this first edition we are travelling across the old city with all our gear and will go to the historical Port Vell in Ciutat Vella in the heart of the city center inside an emblematic sailing club of the city. The venue provide an indoor panoramic room for our dancing room, a outdoor terrace and an open-air swimming pool that will host our listening room where you'll be able to enjoy the sweetest selection of music while laying on the deckchair improing your tan. To begin things the right way we invited not one but two international artists in the name of Airfunk Label, Imagine Family founder, and above all else prominent selector DJ and producer of our scene ALINE BROOKLYN who will be backed up by When Dogs Fly and Conspiracy record labels founder NATE S.U who just joined the interwave agency pristine roster. Local "Le Bazar" founder and recognized underground house selector Celafet will warm up the sound and the dancefloor while Sergi and Demofather will take on the listening swimming pool after a special pool listening set cooked by Mr Fortyfour Another one not to be missed any cost ! TIMETABLE DANCING CLUB-HOUSE: - 18:00-20:00: Celafet - 20:00-23:00: Nate SU - 23:00-02:00: Aline Brooklyn LISTENING POOL: - 18:00-20:00: Nicola Cima - 20:00-22:00+: Demofather b2b Sergi HOURS: 18:00-02:00 TICKETS - Tickets on Resident Advisor only - AUDIOPHILE space: - Listening Swimming Pool : Hi-Fi surround sound system by the pool - Dancing Club-House : Suave Soundsystem *** STRICTLY LIMITED CAPACITY *** *** NO TICKETS AT THE DOOR *** *** NO RE-ENTRY *** *** CLOACKROOM SERVICE AVAILABLE ON SITE *** *** EVENT RESERVED TO ADULTS ONLY*** *** THE EXACT ADDRESS WILL BE COMMUNICATED BY E-MAIL AT 3 P.M. ON THE DAY OF THE EVENT TO TICKET HOLDERS ONLY*** *** PLEASE RESPECT THE TICKET HOURS. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CHARGE AN EXTRA OR DENY YOU THE ENTRY ***
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