BPM, for Bucharest-Paris-México, connects people from different cultures around the world trough a common passion for music. #Unidosparalamusica BPM aims to be a platform for artists, clubs and music lovers. Together we centralise our sets & songs as well as our audiences. As a label music we offer to our artists• Publicity • On-Stage - Parties/Events where to mix in Bucharest, Paris & México • Online publication of their songs on Spotify, Apple Music, etc. • Their sets on Soundcloud and partner radios Service Delivery• Graphic designer for logo • Video clip edition • Advertising on social networks (Insta, Facebook, Spotify, Soundcloud) • Your song on our BPM playlists • BPM corona masks and t-shirts ContractsNo contract is exclusive! The only contract is for the online production on Spotify, Apple Music, Insta music etc. For our public• Travel with us from Eastern to Western Europe and México. • Discover new artists from your city and others • Stay informed about their latest projects and productions • Benefit from special offers to our BPM events Let’s talk about our next projects bpm@bpmglobal.fr