Fuse Records
Fuse Records
Fuse Records

Fuse Records

Fuse Records

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Fuse Records: Boat
☀️Chegou a hora de dizermos, mais uma vez, “Todos a bordo!”. Estamos quase a embarcar numa nova viagem pelo Tejo, uma tradição que já tem mais de 10 anos! Nesta viagem, que tem a bonita cidade de Lisboa como pano de fundo, vamos estrear uma nova embarcação: que conta com um deck perfeito para mostrares os teus melhores passos de dança, ao som de Analodjica, Nox e do convidado internacional Hard to Tell! Mas atenção, os bilhetes são muito limitados, por isso compra já o teu, online ou com os nossos embaixadores. 💂The time has come to say, once again, “All aboard!” We are about to embark on a new trip along the Tagus, a tradition that has been going on for over 10 years! On this trip, which has the beautiful city of Lisbon as a backdrop, we will debut a new boat: which has a perfect deck for showing off your best dance moves, to the sounds of Analodjica, Nox and international guest Hard to Tell! But be careful, tickets are very limited, so buy yours now, online or with our ambassadors.
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Fuse Records began its journey aiming to build bridges beyond boundaries in electronic music. Over its 13 years of existence, Fuse has strengthened true exchanges, not only in different music styles but also exchanges intended to boast the musical and cultural education of its audience.
Joined Shotgun in 2021