Footprnt Mmw Edition
Footprnt Mmw Edition
Gramps & Public Energy Present: F O O T P R N T Miami Music Week Edition An All Black All-Star + Local Lineup for the real dance music experience in Miami at everyones favorite drinking hole, venue and Gramps Wynwood. MARCH 30TH, 2025, 5PM-3AM Featuring Fan and Returning Favorites: Gumthewrapper Toni Shardai Sucia! Duality RARA LePoodle Ending Music Week in Style is the best of Black Dance - free 99 Hope to see you there! [*]
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Public Energy • Unapologetic Joy
"How do we Celebrate Art the same way we celebrate Music?"
Fostering Spaces for Black, POC, Women and Queer People.

Created and ran by Ty Davis AKA Duality
Recaps, Mixes and More things P•E here:
@Dy.tavis & @Duali.ty

Joined Shotgun in 2023
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