Anexo X Andco / Vul
Anexo X Andco / Vul

Anexo X Andco / Vul

sáb 28 sep De 16:00 a 06:00
Village Underground Lisboa
Av. da Índia 52, 1300-299 Lisboa, Portugal


DAY - Early Bird

10,00 €

NGHT - Early Bird

10,00 €

DAY & NIGHT - Early Bird

15,00 €

DAY - Phase 1

15,00 €


NIGHT - Phase 1

15,00 €


DAY & NIGHT - Phase 1

20,00 €


DAY - General Admission

20,00 €
On sale soon
On sale on 21 sept

NIGHT - General Admission

20,00 €
On sale soon
On sale on 21 sept

DAY & NIGHT - General Admission

30,00 €
On sale soon
On sale on 21 sept
🔁 Secure your ticket now. Resell on Shotgun when needed!
If you have a change of heart, you can safely resell your ticket in the Shotgun app.


This collaboration was born from sharing a similar vision and a common worship to the electronic music scene. Both projects stand by to the theory that these musical encounters must meet crucial elements in time & space - sound, scenography and illumination. Together we have built a line-up that unfolds from day to night, for an indoor and outdoor event at Village Underground - a venue that offers outstanding technical conditions. We can't hide the fact that we're delighted to have two Portuguese live acts on board - master Lake Haze and the debut and premier of our dear friend Freeky Funk. The rest of the music will be meticulously provided by our two international guests Olya Smok and Daniel Lien, and locals Elless & Benn and Luisa. Our purpose in creating this was to develop a smooth, cohesive storyline that progresses naturally from beginning to end, all the while diversifying the selection and indulging our auditory senses. Expect solid grooves and dark spells. Ears satisfied, we don't want you to miss a thing. We've got burgers to fill your bellies and a fully equipped bar to keep you hydrated throughout the 14 hours of music. Are we missing anything? Join us


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Av. da Índia 52, 1300-299 Lisboa, Portugal