Between - Dragoș Ilici, Keras, Bernardo Vaz, Guigas & Ozmin
Between - Dragoș Ilici, Keras, Bernardo Vaz, Guigas & Ozmin

Between - Dragoș Ilici, Keras, Bernardo Vaz, Guigas & Ozmin

sáb 26 oct De 20:00 a 05:00
Arroz Estúdios
Avenida Infante Dom Henrique, AAFC, 1900-320 Lisboa, Portugal


Blind Ticket

12,00 €

1a Fase

15,00 €


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If you have a change of heart, you can safely resell your ticket in the Shotgun app.


For our next convergence Arroz Estúdios will be our shelter. Expect a different approach for a venue we all cherish and deserves our full support. From Bucharest Dragoș Ilici will be joining us, from Bologna Keras and from Lisbon our good old friend Bernardo Vaz. Our residents Guigas and Ozmin be teaming um with them. The path is carved to match your fantasies. Sound, lights, and a touch of magic await your presence to celebrate all there is to celebrate. Sound system provided by LOUD Professional.


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Avenida Infante Dom Henrique, AAFC, 1900-320 Lisboa, Portugal