Les Fleurs Studio | Paris Fashion Week Rave-Up

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The1989.it and Studio Olympia celebrate Les Fleur Studio debut in the Official Calendar of Paris Fashion Week with a rave-up at iconic La Java, the oldest club of Paris. With filthy underground performances by The Olympia Jamming Orchestra, Henri Funk from the Lotts ( Manchester, UK ), Lorenzo Sutto Lewis (Rome, Italy), Honor Thy Error from The Bad Plug (Milan, Italy), Andrea Marin, God Damned Men from Maison Pourpre ( Paris, France ), Connor Lawrence Hickey and Luke Mayes fro Methadrome (Paris, France), Space Idol (Copenhagen, Denmark), Eva Yelmani ( Paris, France), Solage Smith, Francis Delacroix (Turin, Italy), Martine Wolfe ( Los Angeles, US), Dorian Lafargue (Paris, France), January 23rd, from 23:30 pm to 06:00 am. 105 Rue du Faubourg du Temple 75010 Paris スーパースター