Mary Poppers's Boudoir! #10 - Drag Cabaret Night

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Mary Poppers & Drama Bar present the 10th edition of our Drag cabaret night : BOUDOIR! Our Dantesque journey into the imagination of Mary Poppers in this hedonistic Cabaret opening its doors once again in the cozy and fantastical atmosphere of Drama. An invitation to enjoy the most sensual and libidinous creatures Lisbon has to offer, in a feast of pleasures guided by the master hand of Mary Poppers. Mary Poppers e Drama apresentam: BOUDOIR! #10 Preparem-se para a viagem dantesca à imaginação de Mary Poppers neste Cabaret hedonista que se deleita no ambiente acolhedor e fantasioso do Drama. Um convite para apreciar as mais sensuais e libidinosas criaturas que Lisboa tem para oferecer, numa festa de prazeres guiados pela mão mestra de Mary Poppers.