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Happened on dom 19 mar 2023
35 Rue des Francs Bourgeois, 75004 Paris, France
Este evento ha terminado


SONIC CINEMA - WEEK #4 · SUNDAY, MARCH 19 GENERAL INFORMATION Sunday, March 19 · 14:00 - 19:00 Tickets on shotgun only - limited capacity Basement -2 35-37 Rue des Francs-Bourgeois, Paris 75004 PROGRAM SCHEDULE Sunday, March 19 · 14:00 - 19:00 [Come and go as you please, stay as long as you're entranced] Paul Benham, Becoming Jungle (4DSOUND installation) William Russell, Lost Spaces: Rainforest (4DSOUND installation) Christopher Manhey, Syncretismo (4DSOUND installation) ABOUT SONIC CINEMA To visit Sonic Cinema is to enter a liminal zone - a ‘space of possibles’ where Spatial Sound fundamentally enhances and alters the ways stories are told and experienced. A pure sonic experience, set in complete darkness - the Sonic Film is a film that the audience inhabits and experiences with their whole body. Uninhibited by the visual sense with its defined boundaries, this new medium enhances one's physiological experience, vastly expanding possibilities for narrative creation and embodiment. This Sunday, join us for a 5-hour exploration of sound and space that goes beyond music. Immerse yourself in mesmerizing soundscapes and experience two captivating sound works that will loop continuously throughout the day. Come and go at your leisure ABOUT THE ARTIST & THE PROJECTS Paul Benham - The Rainbow Machine, The Rainbow Machine is first of all the pseudonym used by the musician, composer and sound designer Paul Behnam, to share his ambient music and electro-acoustic projects. It is as well a project opened to audiovisual immersive installation where different visual artists are invited to work together on conceptual sound pieces in order to reach on different levels high sensitive and synesthetic experiences. From a metaphoric point of view the machine is representing the society and its structures, cultural evolutions etc. Where the Rainbow is more about human emotions, feelings etc. Becoming Jungle” is a place or consciousness that absorbs us in all its multi- sensory stimuli. Through the engagement of our senses we can connect with our surroundings and the textural landscape, with ‘all there actually is’. The barrier between our- selves and the observed begins to dissolve and our mind ceases to try separating itself from what it sees. As this process continues we realize that we are part of the perceived, and similarly to immersing ourselves in nature, we sense reality prior to any evaluation and judgment. Within this liberty of pure perception we be- gin to watch the magic unfold. A pathway to endless exploration. This is the becoming of the jungle. William Russell, Lost Space: Rainforest Lost Spaces: Rainforests, an enchanting, haunting and at moments terrifying composition of sound, music and voice, the first iteration of Lost Spaces - Rainforest is divided into stages based on falling into and out of synchronisation with nature. The audience will be taken on a journey connecting human emotions to the dynamics of natural phenomena immersing the listener in the rich sonic environments of rainforests from around the world - home to more species than any other environment, spaces and life that we have lost forever, and ones that are on the brink of destruction. William Russell is an Australian-born spatial sound artist, composer, and the co-founder and creative director of Monom Studios. With a background in spatial sound design and classical percussion, William has collaborated with over 150 artists since the opening of Monom Studios in December 2017 to produce and present more than 100 spatial sound works across a diverse range of genres and disciplines, including music, dance, opera, theater, and virtual and augmented reality. As an artist, William is particularly focused on creating and recreating the sonic and spatial dynamics of climate phenomena. His works incorporate music to inspire empathetic awareness of the environment and highlight the inseparable connection between humans and nature. Based in Berlin, William continues to make significant contributions to the creative industry through his innovative and groundbreaking works, inspiring new generations of spatial sound artists. Christopher Manhey The context of this piece is based on the contrasts and parallels of natural environments, indigenous communities and traditions from different latitudes and their corresponding soundscapes along with modern sound sources and their psychoacoustic effects. From Mapuches in Chile and the Shipibo in the Peruvian Amazon to field recordings collected through the western and eastern cultures of Europe and India. Expressions as chants are addressed to the beings that inhabit the supra-sensitive planes to summon and ask them to intervene with their knowledge and abilities to heal. Through these the "guides" can access the spiritual world and once there, being able to work, turning the element of sound and the cadence of this songs into essentials. Christopher Manhey is an independent music producer and sound artist founder of @omni.soundlab a 3D Audio studio focused on research and production for digital and live applications. Spatial audio becomes a key element that incorporates in his installations and live performances inviting the audience to be part of the sonic experience exploring the space and aesthetics through sound. DeRe is a personal project founded by Bea a multipotentialite with a background in graphic design (Academy of Art, SF) and self-taught generative art. DeRe works with tools like Touch Designer and p5js /processing, focusing on idea exploration and its connection to the outcomes — defining a balance between composition aesthetics and experimental approaches. ______________________________________________ FAQ What is SPATIAL sound?⁠ Spatial sound is a term to describe the way we have evolved to perceive space through sound - it refers to the way we hear sound naturally in the world around us, in all its complexity and depth. From above, below, around us, through and within us. The perfect spatial sound experience is the one we experience every day. When we refer to spatial sound technology, this is technology that aims to recreate this effect.⁠ ______________________________________________ PLEASE NOTE For a better experience we recommend having cell phones turned off as light can distract from the experience. If you need to leave the room in the middle of the session, please do so in silence. No cash accepted for the tickets, all the tickets are sold only on shotgun. Possibility to buy directly at the beginning of the event on shotgun. Spatial Sound by MONOM Studios Production: 3537 Technology: 4DSOUND Thanks to Dover Street Market Paris Visual identity by Studio Doppelgänger

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Dover Street Market Paris
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35 Rue des Francs Bourgeois, 75004 Paris, France