Subsurface 050 W/ Sean Thomas, John Raffaele, Keen

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Sobre nosotros
In December of 2017, we threw our first party. Venturing deep into the nooks of North Philadelphia, we started the journey in an old substation, unaware of what the future held. We called up our good friend and OG Philly selector, Sean Thomas, to join us and help our Subsurface dream set sail. It is our pleasure to invite Sean back with us for a benchmark in Subsurface history, party #50! The stars have pointed us in one direction, back to La Chinesca, where we will break in our sweet summertime series on the deck. In addition, residents John Raffaele & Keen will provide the grooves, as we take a trip down nostalgia lane and celebrate our beloved, Subsurface. We look forward to basking in sweet chunes & sunrays with all of you, while reminiscing on this musical voyage we have been on together!