Fuse Records
Fuse Records
Fuse Matiné: Marco Faraone
☀️A nossa segunda matiné do ano acontece já no início do próximo mês, num autêntico local de sonho, pela beleza ímpar e pela vista de perder o fôlego: o Palácio de Exposições da Tapada da Ajuda, que nos recebe para uma festa imperdível durante a qual vais ter a oportunidade de dançar ao som de vários grandes artistas, entre os quais se encontra o italiano Marco Faraone. Já podes garantir a tua presença, porque os bilhetes estão disponíveis! 💂Our second matinee of the year will take place at the beginning of next month, in a truly dreamlike place, due to its unique beauty and breathtaking view: the Tapada da Ajuda Exhibition Palace, which welcomes us for an unmissable party during which you will have the opportunity to dance to the sounds of several great artists, including the Italian Marco Faraone. You can now guarantee your presence, because tickets are available!
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Fuse Records began its journey aiming to build bridges beyond boundaries in electronic music. Over its 13 years of existence, Fuse has strengthened true exchanges, not only in different music styles but also exchanges intended to boast the musical and cultural education of its audience.

Se unió a Shotgun en 2021
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