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Our mission is to create high-quality, ethical, indigenous-inspired streetwear and curate environments that represent that culture globally.

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Ngola Zulu founded Air Zulu in 2021 while working in Atlanta, Georgia, in the United States as a music and visual artist and renaissance creative. As an heir of the Zulu Nation and South African Tribe and a recent immigrant to the U.S., Ngola is inspired to create and share works of art as well as curate spaces of art that reflect both global spaces, introducing these worlds in authentic and indigenous ways.  The idea for Air Zulu emerged as a place for us to see each other and ourselves through streetwear, live music/film events, and personal style expressions from across the Diaspora regions and the Global South. As such, the Air Zulu brand is an inspirational story of shared ancestry throughout the ages, the fulfillment of dreams, and our ancestors' demands of us to establish creative autonomy and self-sustaining efforts, as well as to bridge Black Africana and Black Americana. We aspire for a collective, cooperative ascension through our art, live music, and design work; global cultural partnerships; ethical sustainability with high-quality wearable goods; and implementing education initiatives with global youth. In wearing and supporting the Air Zulu brand, you affirm the power that exists in ‘for us; by us’ operations and support the vision for an improved, sustained global South lived experience. Air Zulu is Inspired By the Ancestors
Joined Shotgun in 2023
725 Echo St NW, Atlanta, GA 30318, USA
725 Echo St NW, Atlanta, GA 30318, USA