Jeff The Fool

Jeff The Fool

📭 🏠 @chevry_agency @thechaudrecords


Featured content for Jeff The Fool
Club Nowadays @ Stereolux, Nantes w/ La Fine Équipe & more !

À propos

Antoine Bermann aka Jeff The Fool has been working on his house music for 5 years now. Member of the label Thé Chaud Records founded in 2012, he released in September 2018 his first vinyl EP Pay Your House. He delivered a neat and meticulously work, hailed by critics and artists such as Laurent Garnier, DJ Deep, Paul Cut... which enables him to play alongside DJ Deep, Leo Pol or Terrence Parker as well as touring in Russia. Jeff was launched and inspired, with a string of releases including Airport Blossom, warmly received by his fans. After a debut album, Russian Dolls, released in 2022, Jeff The Fool continues to surprise us with tracks on Nervous Records, Happinness Therapy... As technical in the studio as he is on stage, he launched a live machines project with a MPC 2500 and synthesizers that he will be promoting on upcoming dates. He is also proving to be a fine musician with a keen ear for scratches behind the turntables at Cabaret Sauvage, in Barcelona, Tunis, Italy...

Premier évènement sur Shotgun en 2019